Civil Disagreements Welcome

Don't miss our Substack page where Pundit-at-Large Stephen Macaulay's latest right-column commentary is "Trump Wants a Putin Victory." While there, be sure to check out "How About an AmeriCon?"

Email and please indicate your political leanings in the subject line. Please note: We do not expect you to follow right/left or red/blue party lines with your comments, which is why we ask you to indicate whether you are left or right in the subject line. 

Contributors for our right column include Pundit-at-Large Stephen Macaulay, a never-Trumper conservative, and Rich Corbett, a pro-MAGA conservative. Macaulay’s comments may align much more often with left-column contributors like Sharon Lintner and Hugh Hansen, but that’s what The Hustings is all about and it is why we ask you to list your political leanings in the subject line for comments via email. We want to post your comments in the column with which you regularly identify; not necessarily the column that aligns with your comments on a single, particular subject. Help us grow into a news & commentary site that exposes readers to a variety of political thought and ideas. 

For more civil political news and discussion, please be sure to visit our Substack page.