The Left’s Take on Federal Marijuana Laws

Don't we think it's about time that the federal law that classifies marijuana a Class 1 narcotic gets thrown out? We think so. Since the Nixon era, several hundred thousand Americans have been jailed for simple possession, and several thousand more for dealing, even if they weren't dealing any serious weight. With so many states already selling medical and recreational marijuana to adults, it's pretty clear that the national opinion is pro-marijuana. The tax benefits to the states are huge, but they probably don't offset all the money that police agencies continue to get from the feds for drug enforcement equipment and personnel. 

Once again, it's the cops against the rest of us. I have been a consistent user since 1968, so I am vehemently in favor of getting rid of this stupid law.
--Jim McCraw


Decriminalizing marijuana is not enough. We need it to be legal.

--Jessica Gottlieb