Texas and Guns

Why is Pundit-at-Large Stephen Macaulay’s commentary in the right column? Because as with liberals, conservatives come in various stripes – moderate to far-left or far-right. The Hustings welcomes comments from all, so long as the comments are civil, respectful of other opinions and steeped in fact.

Despite a good deal of support on social media for Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke’s confrontation of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott Wednesday, there is a good chance the Democratic challenger’s response could backfire, according to Newsweek political reporter Darragh Roche, who writes that “actions following the deadly shooting at an elementary school in Ulvade, Texas could potentially cost him the governor’s race in a state famous for supporting gun rights.”

What’s your reaction to “A Bullet Doesn’t Acknowledge Political Affiliations & Other Considerations”? Email your comments to editors@thehustings.news, and tell us in the subject line whether your political philosophy belongs in the right or left column. 
