Murdoch to Trump: We Mean It This Time

Conservative cacophony blaming ex-President Trump for the GOP’s marginal Midterm Madness results reached yet another Murdoch crescendo Thursday with the kick in The Donald’s cajones coming from the New York Post (above) to Fox News to the prestige paper. …

The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board editorialized; “Trump is the Republican Party’s Biggest Loser.”

This made us feel nostalgic for the time it last appeared the Republican Party and conservatism’s most prominent media conglomerate attempted to take back the Republican Party from “populist” Donald J. Trump. Our center-column headline from July 23 of this year, more than two weeks before the FBI’s August 8 search of Mar-a-Lago for sensitive and even top-secret papers re-cemented right-wing fealty to the ex-prez, and had his most fervid supporters blaming the FBI: “Murdoch to Trump: Drop Dead.”
