Rove: Penn Biden Docs No Mar-a-Lagogate

Karl Rove, the Republican political consultant and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush, pushed back against Fox News butwhataboutism in an interview Tuesday about classified documents returned to the National Archives by the Biden administration. 

“Well, there are differences,” Rove said in comparing the Biden documents with ex-President Trump’s apparent hoarding of classified and top-secret documents at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, (per Mediaite) “but you can’t make this stuff up.

“For example, how many documents in Biden’s case, there appear to be about 10. In the case of President Trump, hundreds.

“How did they get there? We didn’t yet know how the documents got to the Biden office connected with his activities on behalf of the University of Pennsylvania. We know that President Trump ordered the removal of documents to Mar-a-Lago.”


House GOP Votes to Rescind IRS Funds

Tuesday 1/10/23

In the 118th Congress’ first bill, the House with its new Republican majority voted along party lines, 221-210, to rescind about $71 billion of $80 billion in additional funding for the Internal Revenue Service included in the Inflation Reduction Act signed late last year by President Biden. If not for the Senate’s Democratic majority that will assure the bill will go nowhere, it would reduce an estimated $186 billion in federal tax revenues, and add $114 billion to the federal deficit over the next decade, according to The Hill.

New Rules – The House also passed Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) rules package, Roll Call reports, which includes concessions made to far-right members of his caucus in order to secure the speaker’s gavel in an historic 15th ballot early last Saturday. The rules package vote was 220-213, with Rep. Tony Gonzales of Texas the only Republican voting with Democrats, and includes:

Return of a controversial rule to allow a single House member to introduce a motion to vacate the speaker. 

Limitation of bills to a single subject, preventing the attachment of amendments that are not germane to the bill.

A rule to prevent McCarthy from waiving an existing rule to release bill language at least 72 hours before a floor vote.

A rule setting up a separate vote on a resolution that would create a select Judiciary Committee to centralize investigations into the executive branch (let’s call this the “Hunter Biden” rule). 

Term limits for the Office of Congressional Ethics board members and requiring the office to make hiring decisions within 30 days. These provisions would effectively gut the office, Roll Call says.


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