New Age Robber Barrons

Commentary by Ken Zino

It’s not surprising that tech companies have endorsed Trump since it is in their direct interest to cozy up to power. They are pursuing an anti-regulatory strategy because monitoring and correcting the blatant lies – or let’s call it the myriad unrealities that festoon their money-making platforms is an extremely difficult, perilous and expensive task. 

It’s one thing to rate which college coeds are hot; it’s quite another to be the platform fronting propaganda, lies and disruptive ploys from hostile foreign powers who are actively subverting democracies so that they can rule the world without interference from the country that was founded by forcefully rejecting the Divine Right of Kings to rule by whim their subjects. This includes our allies in peace loving countries that Trump is trashing while siding with and promulgating Russian propaganda right down to a UN resolution that Putin could have written because it is in his interest to thwart democracies. 

However, lost in the electronic forest inhabited by these new age Robber Barons is the reality that Americans hate chaos. Americans right down to FDR’s dog Falla used to hate war. We stood for winning and maintain peace. Republicans embracing warring nations? Republicans pardoning violent criminals who attacked, hurt and killed law enforcement officers?

Then there are the businesses that will get clobbered by the impending tariffs. This includes auto companies and suppliers, who will pass on the highly inflationary costs – particularly companies that operate in Mexico and Canada. Trump – ever disconnected from reality and arguably the foremost perpetrator of the Big Lie theory employed by totalitarian governments – says the agreement he negotiated and signed, the USMCA from his first term, is a bad deal. It’s not the art of deal in play here. It’s the art of the steal. The American people own the post office that is now under a hostile Trump takeover.

Looking at the dropping popularity ratings of Trump and his minions, and the growing numbers of protests at elected representatives’ offices, we are reaching a Tipping Point. Actually, let’s calling it the Tip O’Neill point. All politics is local. It’s not the worldwide web. It’s the growing realization – buyer’s remorse? – that a reflexive anti-government posture is a diversion from what the man behind the screen of outrageous postures is doing. The mid-term elections loom.