Sunday, the 94th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth and the day before the nation celebrates the civil rights leader, Joe Biden became the first U.S. president to deliver the Sunday sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.  Biden’s sermon came at the invitation of Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), the church’s senior pastor. 

“It’s still the task of our time to make that dream a reality because it’s not there yet,” Biden told the congregation (per The Atlanta Journal-Constitution). “To make Dr. King’s vision tangible, to match the words of the preachers and the poets with our deeds.

“On this day of commemoration, service and action, let us hold up a mirror to America and ask ourselves: What kind of country do we want to be? Will we honor Dr. King’s legacy by rising together – buttressed by each other’s successes, enriched by each other’s differences and made whole by each other’s compassion? I believe we can.”

Biden was to deliver the keynote address to the National Action Network at the civil rights group’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast Monday.



FRIDAY 1/13/23

Max Fine for Trump Organization – The Trump Organization has been fined $1.6 million over its conviction for tax fraud and other crimes involving off-the-books perquisites for top executives. A judge for the New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan ordered the maximum fine, though “a pittance” to ex-President Trump’s real estate business, The New York Times reported Friday. On Tuesday, the Trump Organization’s CFO, Allen Weisselberg, who pleaded guilty in the case, was sentenced to serve five months at Rikers Island jail, which is by no means a country club prison.


So Much for Touting Lowered CPI – President Biden tried to make Thursday about celebrating improving inflation numbers (graph above) but instead his administration spent the day playing defense over a sprawling scandal involving his holding on to government papers, some of them confidential, at his office between his vice presidency and presidency, and now his home about 100 miles northeast.

No One Messes with Biden’s Vette: And maybe that’s an explanation for why additional government documents, some of them confidential, were discovered in the car’s locked garage at Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, home in December, one month after about 10 confidential documents were found in the president’s office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.

No Mar-a-Lagogate … But: Biden turned over the documents to the National Archives after they were found and he did not “declassify” them with his mind. But the brewing scandal does give ex-President Trump some relief on one of his myriad scandals. 

And So, DOJ Investigation: Attorney Gen. Merrick Garland Thursday appointed former U.S. Attorney Robert K. Hur special counsel in the documents case, to investigate “extraordinary circumstances,” The Washington Post says. Hur, a Justice Department official in the Trump administration, will examine whether “any person or entity violated the law in connection with this matter,” and Garland is confident he will tackle the assignment “in an even handed and urgent matter.”

Investigation in the House: “I think Congress needs to investigate this,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), said Thursday (per PBS News Hour). “Here’s an individual that sat on 60 Minutes that was so concerned about President Trump’s documents, and now we find that this is a vice president keeping it for years out in the open in different locations.”

About That Timing: Confidential documents in the closet in Biden’s post-VP Washington office were discovered November 2, six days before the midterm elections, and the additional documents found in the garage next to his ‘67 Corvette were discovered about a month later.


Ricketts to Senate – Republican Nebraska Gov. Jim Pullen has appointed the state’s former Republican governor, Pete Ricketts, to take retiring Sen. Ben Sasse’s seat. Sasse, a moderate Republican, left to become president of the University of Florida two years before the remainder of his term. Ricketts will have to run in 2024 if he seeks a full six-year Senate term.



THURSDAY 1/12/23

Still High, but Getting Better – The Consumer Price Index fell 0.1% in December over November, lowering the annual rate to 6.5%, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reports Thursday. New vehicle prices fell for the first time in years last month, down 0.1% for an annual rate below that of the entire CPI, at 5.9%. But gas price relief led the way, down 9.4% in December for a -1.5% annual price adjustment. 

“The index for gasoline was by far the largest contributor to the monthly all items decrease, more than offsetting increases in shelter indexes,” the BLS said. Shelter prices were up 0.8% for December, for a +7.5% annual rate.

Gas Prices Stall: The national average for unleaded regular gas was $3.272 per gallon Thursday, AAA says, still under the year-ago average of $3.301 per gallon. AAA says recent pump price spikes have stalled since the holidays.


How About a Biopic? -- Armando Iannucci is creator-director of the television political satire Veep and the big-screen political satire The Death of Stalin. We sincerely hope he is already hard at work on a script for The George Santos Story. Wednesday New York Republican officials called on freshman Rep. George Santos (R-NY) to step down from office. Santos has declined, saying nothing he has done amounts to criminal behavior and newly gaveled House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who traded his support for Santos in exchange for Santos’ vote for speaker, told reporters that “A lot of people” including some of those in the Senate have fabricated parts of their resumes, (per the left-leaning Talking Points Memo).

“Is there a charge against him? You know, in America today, you’re innocent until proven guilty,” McCarthy added.

But Nassau County’s Republican county executive, Bruce Blakeman, counters, “I do not want to deal with someone who is a liar.” Speaking on NPR’s Morning Edition Blakeman, who is Nassau County’s first Jewish county exec said the most egregious lie Santos has told is that his parents were Holocaust survivors, which “trivializes everything the families went through.” Turns out Santos is not even Jewish, while 300,000 residents of Nassau County are. 

When NPR’s A Martinez asked Blakeman about the possibility Santos would be replaced by a Democrat if removed from office (and reduce the GOP’s already thin majority in the House), the county exec replied; “This has transcended politics. This is about good government.”

--Compiled and edited by Todd Lassa


By Todd Lassa

Democrat Joe Manchin III of West Virginia was trending on Twitter late Tuesday night as the most important Senator, even before urban precinct ballot counts in Georgia’s Senate runoff elections had begun to flip the fortunes of Democratic challengers Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff as cable news networks eagerly awaited results after polls closed. Warnock, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, and Ossoff decisively beat two Republican incumbents, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. 

Manchin is a Democrat who has served deep red West Virginia in the Senate for 10 years and now has the potential to become to his party what Senator Mitt Romney, R-Utah, has been to the GOP, although more so. Sitting in the late centrist-Democrat Robert C. Byrd’s seat, Manchin becomes a true swing vote, likely to defeat along with 50 Republican Senate bills that come from the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren wing of the Senate as well as those that come up from “The Squad” wing of the House. 

The Democrats’ victories push their party to a 50-50 Senate count, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris serving as the tie-breaker on votes to give the party an effective majority over Republicans. Lame duck President Trump and GOP leaders tried to paint Democratic control of the House, Senate, and White House as the road to socialist damnation. But Georgia Democrats, led by likely 2022 Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams and aided by such groups as Black Votes Matter, turned out about 4.5 million voters total by Tuesday, many of them using mail-in ballots. Meanwhile, President Trump’s unfounded claims of voter fraud in each of the swing states he lost apparently stifled Republican turnout, and his attack specifically on Georgia’s preference for Biden almost certainly prompted many supporters to stay at home.

The Reverend Raphael Warnock says he will remain leader of the Atlanta church once pastored by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., and becomes the first Black senator from Georgia, the 11th Black senator in the history of the nation and one of three in the 117th Congress, with Democrat Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Republican Tim Scott of South Carolina, as Kamala Harris moves from the Senate to the vice presidency. 

Manchin’s power on Capitol Hill ultimately depends on where the GOP goes from here, what with Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., about to be demoted to minority leader and already distancing himself from the Trump administration while attempting to warn fellow Republican senators against challenging Electoral College votes for President-elect Biden Wednesday. So far, 12 Republican senators have indicated they plan to defy McConnell and challenge the results from their respective states, including lame-duck Senator Loeffler of Georgia.

By Todd Lassa Democrat Joe Manchin III of West Virginia was trending on Twitter late Tuesday night as […]