Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) “has been on the phone with big donors for the past several weeks” to raise campaign fund to fill in for the National Senate Republican Committee’s dwindling funds, report CNN’s Manu Raji and Alex Rogers https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/06/politics/rick-scott-mitch-mcconnell-republican-senate-fundraising/index.html?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=9/7/22%20%20Punchbowl%20News%20AM&utm_term=Punchbowl%20AM%20and%20Active%20Subscribers%20from%20Memberful%20Combined.

McConnell and NSRC Chairman Rick Scott, of Florida, disagree on politics, policy, strategy and fundraising, Punchbowl News reports. The NSRC’s financial woes went public last weekend with a New York Times report that the committee has burned through 95% of its $181.5-million war chest, with much of it spent on a digital fund drive with a “buy it now” tactic that has angered many contributors. CNN says Republican senators are maneuvering to take the matter in their own hands and directly help candidates who need critical resources. Add to that McConnell’s “high-spending” Senate Leadership fund to help make the Kentucky senator the majority leader once again. 

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