Moms for Liberty tried to get books banned from Seminole County, Florida public school libraries by reading passages the conservative group describes as “porn,” the Orlando Sentinel reports. The group’s Seminole chapter urged members to read “potty” words and “the worst of the worst” with hope the school board would cut them off. 

In May, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a new state law that says if a school board prevents parents from reading books they have objected to, those books must be removed from school library shelves. 

“Just make sure that you get shut down, that’s the goal,” Seminole chapter chairwoman Jessica Tillman posted on Instagram last Monday.

The Seminole school board allowed the Moms for Liberty readings to proceed uninterrupted, according to the Sentinel.

Read "How Efforts to Ban 'Bad Books' Reached a Record High in 2022," by Stacker for The Hustings; June 12, 2023 here:


Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), who was the GOP’s presidential candidate in 2012 and since at least 2015 has been among the most vocal critics in his party, of Donald J. Trump, has announced he will not run for a second Senate term. Romney’s current term ends in 2025, and he is taking advantage of his new lame-duck status to tell all in a biography, Romney: The Reckoning, written by The Atlantic staff writer McKay Coppins and scheduled to be published October 24.

More details are emerging from pro-MAGA Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) ejection from a Denver theater during a road-show performance of Beetlejuice, and it’s not pretty. Read about how she and a male companion were bounced for taking photos, vaping and talking loudly in this column.

Scroll down the page using the trackbar on the far right to read more.

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