Ukraine Remains Resolute

Russian soldiers in Eastern Ukraine are shooting at rescuers working to save people from the flood zone below the broken Kakhovka dam, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelinskyy, who stresses that the disaster will not stop Ukraine from liberating its territory nor “increase the chances of occupiers staying on the land.”

Zelenskyy also has blasted the reaction of the UN and Red Cross to the dam’s destruction, saying international organizations should join in evacuating people from villages and cities.

Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) earlier in the week clashed over the issue of continued funding of Ukraine’s defense against Russian forces.

McCarthy on Monday said he opposed a supplemental spending bill that would include additional financial and military aid to Ukraine over the spending limits imposed by the bipartisan debt ceiling compromise. McConnell countered in a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday that the bipartisan debt deal is “Simply insufficient given the major challenges that our nation faces.” McConnell called out threats from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, “and terrorists emboldened by America’s retreat from Afghanistan.”

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