What’s Right

Pundit-at-Large Stephen Macaulay has been thinking and writing about the way ex-President Trump upended Reaganomics during his four years in office. Scroll down this page with the trackball on the far right (no pun here) to read "Would You Have Him Run Your Business?", The Hustings' right-column counterpoint to contributing Pundit Ken Zino's "Trump Tanked the Economy, and Biden is Fixing It."

Also in this column, read Macaulay's "The Name's Not the Thing," about the Manhattan trial in which Donald J. Trump is accused of falsifying business records in order to pay $130,000 in hush money to adult film star Stormy Daniels. SPOILER ALERT: Macaulay has forever been a never-Trumper pundit leaning moderately to the right.

Further down the page on the right is Macaulay's column, "The Biden Shuffle," describing the juxtaposition of Joe Biden's age and his poll numbers.

These three Macaulay columns first appeared in thehustings.substack.com, where you can subscribe for free.

You are also invited to become a Citizen Pundit by emailing your comments to editors@thehustings.news. Please indicate in the subject line if you consider yourself leaning "left" (whether or not you like Bidenomics) or leaning "right" (whether or not you agree with Macaulay's comments on Biden v. Trump).